Territorial scope of the trademark protection
You are familiar with the markets on which you want to use your new pictorial sign. We are familiar with the
particulars of trademark law in these countries and will draw up a strategic concept for the territorial scope
of the trademark protection.
Finding a pictorial sign
Your job is to find creative suggestions for your new pictorial sign. Ours is to review these suggestions from
the point of view of absolute obstacles to protection under trademark law.
Trademark searches
After you have provisionally selected your pictorial-sign suggestion, we will conduct a search for older registered
figurative marks among the trademarks existing in the countries that are relevant to your markets, and we will advise
you on older rights and relative obstacles to protection under trademark law as well.
Trademark applications
We will file applications for trademark protection for your newly created pictorial sign in the countries you
have selected, and will coordinate the proceedings in the respective countries in collaboration with the
appropriate foreign corresponding attorneys in our network.
Please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to the privilege of counseling you.